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Save 30% on any of these Power of Pure Movemement programs! Simple use coupon code PURE30 on the checkout page.*

Strong and Steady Shoulders

The shoulders impact your ability to breathe, to sense or feel movement, and to relax into motion. Even your thoughts will influence the ability to impart grace, freedom, and ease through your entire system, through the arms and down to the tips of your fingers.

This 6 hour program is broken up into 4 x 1.5 hour trainings where you will learn how to move in a pain free motion by focusing on the shoulders.

Stronger Happier Quadratus Lumborum

Learn about the most common compensation patterns I have seen over my 25 years of helping people recover from QL strain, tightness, pain and spasms. Discover how to identify these patterns and correct them for better movement. 

This 6 hour program is broken up into 4 x 1.5 hour trainings where you will learn how to move in a pain free motion by focusing on the QL.

Strong and Supple Feet

This program is designed to teach you about your feet, the feet’s relationship to the kinetic chain in your body, and how you can move better to help reduce and eradicate your foot pain. When you deliberately free up the mechanics of the body you will see the issues in your feet begin to shift.

This 6 hour program is broken up into 4 x 1.5 hour trainings where you will learn how to move in a pain free motion by focusing on the QL.

*Coupon code pure30 can only be used on Power of Pure Movement program over $200. This coupon code can only be used once per customer.