Congratulations! You’re finally doing something you love. You’re in a space where you get to help people feel better and reduce their pain. There’s only one problem: how do you get clients?

The idea of building your client base is exciting. The possibility of helping more people is radiating through you.

You can’t WAIT to get started . . . but this whole idea of going out and talking to people, offering your services, and the chance you might be rejected . . . well, that just terrifies you.

And this enlists a wave of different emotions: 

You may be thinking that it’s sure cozy in your comfort zone, so why step out of it? Is it even worth it?

YES! Of course it’s worth it! 

You didn’t get into the health and wellness field to just help yourself (well maybe you did but you quickly realized that you have the skills, knowledge and compassion to help so many more people!)

Most of us don’t want to sell our classes or services. We want to help people feel better.

And most people who have pain don’t want to be sold to. They don’t want to get got. They want to feel better. 

Can you get to a place where you don’t feel the need to “get clients” or “try to find clients”?

It’s time that you dip a toe outside of your comfort zone

It’s time to put yourself out there to actually make money doing what you love . . . and still doing it from a place of love and compassion.

Because let’s be honest, no one should be convinced to be your client. You don’t want to do that and neither do your potential clients.

When a client relationship starts from a place of pressure, convincing or desperation . . . that energy translates into your practice with them. You will likely have to convince them to show up, convince them to become aware, and convince them to do their program. And this usually doesn’t go very well (or last too long.)

What if you could earn what you want to earn, have a schedule that doesn’t burn you out, and have the ability to connect with clients to build a healing relationship, WITHOUT feeling like a used car salesman?

There are two powerful skills – technical skills & business intelligence – that you need to facilitate a trusting, nourishing, complementary relationship between you and your clients.

Part of the reason business intelligence is challenging is because it’s not taught in our yoga teacher training or health professional curriculum. 

So when it comes time to go out into the world and help people, you’re left trying to get people in the door. You’re searching blindly for clients. 

And because you can’t find the clients, you might think it’s impossible. Or you think you have to learn business skills that are so out of alignment with you and your values.

I get it.

I, like others in the health & wellness world, used to recoil at the notion that I was selling people a process to help them reduce and eradicate physical pain. I didn’t want to be associated with anything that had to do with ‘sales’. 

But the reality is you are selling. You are selling a service to support people in reducing and eradicating physical pain. 

And I found a way to do this that doesn’t feel gross. I found a way to sell my services with love at the forefront. I built relationships with clients before they became a client.

Now I’m teaching you how to do it.

The Fundamentals of Safety in Selling is a 3-hour online program where you will learn how to approach your practice with authenticity and heart so that you can attract clients with trust and ease.

I introduced Safety in Selling to my Yoga Therapy Certification trainees this year and it was a real ah-ha for many of them. 

My trainees started to relax more and out of that relaxation, came much more creativity, less fear and more client connection. 

I knew more people needed this information.

This 3-hour Safety in Selling is a precursor to the full module you would get inside the Certification program. With this bite-sized program, you will get to taste some of what we teach inside my IAYT Accredited Yoga Therapy Certification program (for a fraction of the price).

Safety in Selling provides a whole different process, understanding, and way of being.

One which honours your (and your client’s) authentic true self. 

One which honours your (and your client’s) nervous system.

Safety in Selling will teach you the keys to the process that has helped many of my trainees build amazing part-time businesses, making a difference in their client’s lives and earning exactly what they want to earn, working the hours they want to work.

Even though I have been teaching my Yogi Business Principles since 2004, this is the first time I have offered the Safety in Selling module publicly because of what I saw with my Certification trainees was so profoundly inspiring.

Trainees stopped trying to sign or get clients and became so much calmer and at ease. Their confidence grew immensely. And they became the product they are offering. Being an example of what is possible.

With safety, we foster trust. With trust, we allow for smoother, more connected conversations and sales experiences.

What you will learn:

For only $97, you will get:

Safety in Selling runs live on January 9, 13 and 16th at 1:45-2:45pm MST (3:45-4:45pm EST).

All live trainings will take place in Zoom and your registration includes the recordings afterward.

This training is for you if:


The Fundamentals of Safety in Selling


January 9, 13, 16 2025

1:45-2:45pm MST (3:45-4:45pm EST)

ALL FOR: USD$97.00