Power of Pure Movement:
Building a Responsive, Agile & Nimble Core

A 2-hour online program to connect you with your body and experience how to feel more steady and stable  through all your being


As a registered Kinesiologist and C-IAYT Yoga Therapist Trainer, ​​I hear a lot about core training.

​​Particularly that core training is the thing that will help reduce pain and improve posture.

​This isn’t wrong. 

​And yet, for many people their posture and pain aren’t changing, despite doing “core work”.​ 

And what is more, many will say they feel tighter, more limited and more gripped.

What’s going on? Why is there no improvement?

M​any people think that “core work” is all about their abdomen.

They pull their navel to their spine, press​ their back to the floor and/or pull​ up their pelvic floor.

And while these exercises may provide relief​ in the short term, ​many people are not experiencing long term improvements. ​

In fact, I have found many people who follow these instructions exclusively, become more rigid, more braced and experience more pain.


It is something that is often not spoken about in the therapeutic movement world.

It is the multi-layered impact of core on all of our being. 

For example – the relationship between how one engages and connects with one’s core, and how calm and alert they feel, or conversely how anxious they can feel. 

We know that breath holding or shallow breathing can decrease oxygen levels and increase carbon dioxide which can also lead to anxiety

And, yet, breath holding/shallow breathing is so common for students when doing ineffective  “core work” 

When we can move with more ease, and with more relaxed breathing patterns we can fundamentally shift how we connect with our core. 

Not only do we improve our body based stability, we also can improve our whole somato-emotional sense of stability.  

So what do you do?

​​​​​For a moment – pause the thinking ​that your core ​is your abdomen – and look at what your core actually DOES.


When the core is working optimally it:

  • Enables better motor control and coordination. It is like the orchestra of all of our parts is moving and working together more smoothly.
  • Facilitates adaptability which can help us to move from fast to slow, slow to fast and to quickly change directions.
  • Enables variability in movement, to have more than one movement strategy.
  • Helps us be agile. To be nimble in how we change position and direction.

And in all of this, good core stability means we don’t have to use breath-holding or other bracing patterns to keep us together. We can settle into ourselves.

We know where our body is in space (proprioception). We can sense effort, force, equilibrium and balance.

Power of Pure Movement: Building a Responsive, Agile & Nimble Core is all about integration – connecting with your body and experiencing how much more steady and stable you feel through all of your being.

What you will learn

I am Susi Hately, your Instructor

I have a BSC. Kinesiology and have been helping people reduce and eradicate pain for over 25 years. I​ have also been a bridge between the medical world and yoga. ​​Two of my programs have been studied at ​the University of Calgary and both showed benefits for supporting people and their wellbeing. I am the author and presenter of I Love Anatomy and ​Anatomy and Asana: Preventing Yoga Injuries.

Core training really took on new meaning after helping my husband through Post Traumatic Stress and Hypervigilance as a Fire Fighter.  Even though I knew the multilayered approach to healing, my own experience supporting him gave me a totally new understanding of how vital a responsive core is to be calmer, easeful and quietly alert (not wired alert). 

This training blends all that I teach from a body-based perspective, and yet we experience it weaving through our whole system – body, brain, breath and being. 

This training is for you if:

This training is NOT for you if:

Power of Pure Movement: Building a Responsive, Agile & Nimble Core is a 2-hour program that you can enjoy at your own pace - anytime, anywhere you have an internet connection.

"Susi is an exceptional coach. If you want to work with one of the best, if you want to work with someone who really wants you to succeed, if you want to work with someone who truly walks the walk and talks the talk, work with Susi. She really knows what she is doing."

Power of Pure Movement:
Building a Responsive, Agile & Nimble Core

Enjoy at your own pace



Yes! You can sign into the classroom and access these training resources anytime. All you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Yes. People from all over the world have participated in previous sessions of this program – across Canada, US, Australia, Africa, Europe, UK, Mexico, Guatemala, and more.

If you have a friend or peer who wants to join, they are most welcome to register on their own, so you can have fun comparing notes as you complete the program together! But your registration is for your use only.

If you have any questions about this program, please contact us.

This 2-hour program is $97 regular priced.