You know that people can live with less or no physical pain, that they can be more comfortable in their bodies and minds. And you want to be the one to help them.
It stirs inside of you because you have experienced it, you have seen it.
You know what is possible beyond the quick fix…
But how do you share that with others?
Especially when recovery and healing are so often described strictly from logical left-brain concepts.
This is a solution – a way to blend the modern application of anatomy, biomechanics, and kinesiology with the ancient wisdom of yoga and yoga nidra and breath.
Refining Typical Compensation Patterns with Interoception, Proprioception and Ease
In this program, we’ll use the 5 most common compensation patterns I have seen in traditional rehabilitation and therapeutic movement. I’ll show you what I am seeing, and how I use awareness, breath and gentle focus to support my client to connect to a new movement pattern. My husband Stew will join me for this session so you can see this all in real time.
Anatomy for the Yoga Therapist: Shoulders and Hips
Here we’ll use anatomy, biomechanics and movement as tools for interoception, connection and true recovery and healing. We’ll explore the biomechanical planes of movement, posture and structure, and how when we clear up the issues at the shoulders and hip so much more can change throughout the body. Be ready to become more connected, feel good, and become stronger.
From Rehabilitation to Real Strength: How Truly Stay Out of Pain and Into A Place of Strength – For Real
Building strength is more than sets and reps and lifting something heavier. When we build motor control and coordination, when we refine our interoceptive and proprioceptive awareness, the gains in strength are truly mind blowing. It is a gentle but super powerful approach to connecting our interoceptive awareness with myofascial strength and power. I will also be sharing examples of how I use yoga nidra as a tool for strengthening
This program series includes: