Power of Pure Movement:
Stronger Happier Quadratus Lumborum

A 4-day online program to help heal the root of your QL issues and say goodbye to your quadratus lumborum pain once and for all.


Quadratus Lumborum (QL) pain is unpleasant.

If you’ve been dealing with chronic Quadratus Lumborum pain, you know how frustrating it can be.

Maybe it’s a deep ache in your lower back . . . or a sharp, stabbing pain in your hips or pelvis.

No matter how it shows up, despite all of your best efforts at healing it, the pain just won’t go away.

And it’s making your regular activity – like standing, walking, picking up the kids, yoga practice, playing basketball, weightlifting, or skiing – incredibly annoying and exhausting.

Not to mention the fact that relaxing or resting has become very difficult for you and rolling over in bed is an exercise in torture.

It's time to try something different (and address the root of your QL pain)

QL anatomy

You’ve stretched your QL 12 different ways.

You’ve strengthened your core.

You’ve watched countless QL videos on YouTube and faithfully done all of the exercises.

You know about the relationship between your inner and outer core, your adductors and piriformis, and your glutes and obliques.

You’ve stretched what you have been told is tight, and strengthened what you’ve been told is weak.

And you do feel stronger . . . in some ways. But any release you experience from the pain is only temporary.

The long-term healing you seek remains stubbornly elusive.

Are you doomed to suffer this pain for the rest of your life?

The short answer is no. But here’s the thing about your Quadratus Lumborum . . . 

It is an incredible compensator! Your QL will pick up the slack from other areas of the body that have developed poor function (whether from injury or day-to-day living) and aren’t performing the way they’re supposed to.

The QL can hike a hip, fix the ribs, hold a side bend or extend the spine. This way of compensation “helps” for a short time, and makes it easier for you to live your life . . .

But it forces the QL to do a job that it wasn’t designed to do.

Over time, if the actual issue isn’t resolved, your QL becomes more fatigued and tighter. Blood flow reduces, trigger points develop, and it begins to feel like a rubber band that got stretched too far and snapped.

With this online program, you will learn how to say goodbye to QL pain once and for all by tuning into your body, and listening to the whispers that your body is screaming at you.

I am Susi Hately, your Instructor

I help people improve the relationship between their body, mind and breath, and have been training yoga teachers and health professionals how to do the same for over 25 years.

With a background in Kinesiology, I blend science-based biomechanics and anatomy with the ancient wisdom of yoga to help you gain awareness and clarity on what your body is whispering to you. Once you are aware of what happens in your own body, you can translate that to your students and clients to help them move and feel better.

I have worked with a lot of people over the years who have tried “everything” to resolve their QL pain, without lasting success. To help them – and you, if you find yourself in the same frustrating situation – I have created a 6-hour online program designed to teach you how to heal the root of your QL issues and say goodbye to the pain once and for all.

"My QL had been bugging me for 4 years. After understanding how my QL was compensating for my poor hip movement, and improving my hips, my QL completely relaxed. The pain was gone, and continues to be gone."

What you will learn:

The movements and exercises include Yoga techniques and tools that are rooted in biomechanical science and offer deeper therapeutic benefits. I have used these exercises successfully for more than 20 years to help my clients resolve their QL pain. I am confident they will work for you too.

A key piece to recovering from pain is becoming aware and getting clear on what is working and not working.

You need to solve the problem that exists, not the program you think exists.


This training is for you if:

This training is NOT for you if:

Power of Pure Movement: Stronger Happier Quadratus Lumborum is a 4-day program that you can enjoy at your own pace - anytime, anywhere you have an internet connection.

"Susi is an exceptional coach. If you want to work with one of the best, if you want to work with someone who really wants you to succeed, if you want to work with someone who truly walks the walk and talks the talk, work with Susi. She really knows what she is doing."

Power of Pure Movement:
Stronger Happier Quadratus Lumborum

Enjoy at your own pace
