Going Deeper

Power of Pure Movement: Strong and Supple Feet

Discover the Functional Synergy Approach. An orientation to what Functional
is, introducing key concepts without diving too deep.


Course hours

6 Hours



APD Credit


Foot pain is frustrating.

If you’ve been dealing with one or more foot issues, you know how painful and annoying it can be.

Maybe you have plantar fasciitis and it’s become unbearable to stand for long periods of time.

Perhaps you have Morton’s neuroma and what used to be a simple step is now a grappling sharp scream of pain.

Maybe you don’t know what is happening with your feet but the constant stiffness, recurring ankle sprains or just chronic agonizing pain has prevented you from wearing your favourite pair of shoes. It gives a whole new meaning to “beauty is pain” doesn’t it?


If you’re frustrated with all the foot stretches and exercises that only work temporarily or don’t relieve the pain all the time…

If you’re disappointed because you can’t walk, run or do the activities you used to be able to do…

If you’re aggravated that the pain isn’t going away, despite all of your best efforts at following the many corrective foot exercises from health professionals and YouTube.…

You may also be wondering if that persistent hip, knee, back or SI joint issue may be related to your feet. Ugh, not another problem! But…

You aren’t one to become resigned and give up.

You know deep down there is another way.

If you’ve tried everything and nothing has helped, you may have cold feet to try something else. But… what if you haven’t tried everything?

What if you looked outside of the feet to solve your feet pain problem?

When you deliberately and specifically free up the mechanics of other parts of the body, like the hips, pelvis or spine, in conjunction with the work of the feet - you will see the issues in your feet begin to shift.

Power of Pure Movement: Strong and Supple Feet helps foot pain sufferers to reduce or eliminate pain in feet and other parts of the body by applying anatomy therapeutically to body movements. 

If you are a yoga teacher or a health professional working with clients with feet problems, this program will teach you how to apply your learnings to your students or clients so that they too can have happy feet.

With this online program, you will learn how to rid the pain in your feet once and for all by tuning into your body, and listening to the whispers that your feet (and the rest of your body) are screaming at you.

I am Susi Hately, your Instructor

I help people improve the relationship between their body, mind and breath, and have been training yoga teachers and health professionals how to do the same for over 25 years.

With a background in Kinesiology, I blend science-based biomechanics and anatomy with the ancient wisdom of yoga to help you gain awareness and clarity on what your body is whispering to you. Once you are aware of what happens in your own body, you can translate that to your students and clients to help them move and feel better.

I have found that 100% of my clients with foot pain have had pelvic and hip issues too.

As these clients start to improve the stability and mobility of their pelvis, hips and legs… their foot issues also clear up.

With a stable pelvis, they feel lighter, taller, and can run and cycle with more ease.

They feel more balanced walking rooted hiking paths, wearing sandals or going barefoot.

By resolving the suspected pelvis or hip issues, and improving your foot mechanics, your foot issues can go away.

This is why I created Power of Pure Movement: Strong and Supple Feet. 

"Today, in Strong & Supple Feet, after we explored some foot work, we returned to the reclining leg up the wall exploration -and my mind was blown- after my feet were relaxed I began to feel my coccygeal joint move in the reclining leg exploration. I broke my coccyx 50 years ago and don’t think it’s has moved since. As I sit to share this with you I feel not only relief in my feet, but my whole pelvis feels completely at ease, comfort in my S.I. Joint and a subtle energy moving I have never experienced before.

How wonderful to continue to discover opportunities for greater ease in my body, breath, movement and posture, even after more than 25 years of experience. Always so many opportunities to learn.

I appreciate your teaching more than I can express. Thank you for being so committed to sharing your wisdom. My students and clients will continue to be fit from your guidance, but no one will be as thankful for you, as I am."

This program is designed to teach you about your feet, the feet’s relationship to the kinetic chain in your body, and how you can move better to help reduce and eradicate your foot pain.

You are not one segment or one muscle group. You are a whole human.
Our feet respond to our dynamic whole being.

If you improve the whole of your movement, you will see the issues in your feet begin to shift.

What you will learn:

This training is for you if:

This training is NOT for you if:

Power of Pure Movement: Strong and Supple Feet is a 4-day program that you can enjoy at your own pace - anytime, anywhere you have an internet connection.

"After one practice session, I was able to walk 30 minutes without foot pain for the first time in months. One the walk, I felt like a toddler with goofy legs swinging freely, but my pelvis was stable without grip from the muscles below.

I especially like the specificity of the corner of the block b/w the mets and I "get" figure 4 at the wall better now."

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