All About Yoga Therapy Certification – The 4 Steps To Certification | Ep #182

Have you been listening to my podcast and love my methods? Do you help your students/clients eliminate and heal from pain? Are you a health professional? My Yoga Therapy Certification might be for you!


Today I outline the key features of my Yoga Therapy Certification from bio-mechanics to business training so that you can decide if this program is a good fit for you. I share my passion for helping folks heal and eliminate pain as they truly go from Pain to Possibility, and how you can do the same.



What You'll Learn from this Episode:

  • 4 key steps of my Yoga Therapy Certification.
  • Who the program is for.
  • What the program is composed of.
  • The certifications you will receive within the program.
  • How to schedule a discussion to learn more.

Featured on the Show:

Does POWER come to mind when you think of the armpits?

Discover how working on the pits can impact (and improve) carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist and elbow issues . . . even knee issues! 

You’re listening to From Pain to Possibility with Susi Hately. You will hear Susi’s best ideas on how to reduce or even eradicate your pain and learn how to listen to your body when it whispers so you don’t have to hear it scream. And now here’s your host, Susi Hately.

Welcome and welcome back to From Pain to Possibility, a podcast that’s all about reducing and eradicating physical pain. I am your host, Susi Hately, and today I am talking about my yoga therapy certification program. So if you’re here listening to this, I am making an assumption that either you deeply resonate with the concepts that I teach or you have a curiosity about the concepts, are considering the yoga therapy program and what it can do for your own career and for your own profession.

So in this episode I’m going to outline some of the key points of the certification program, namely the four steps towards getting your certification, who the program is really for, what you have available to you in the program, and how many people I’m enrolling this year.

And if you would like to have a further conversation with me and to enroll, I will be providing a contact link where you can book a time, a 30-minute slot where we can go through all the things, answer further questions, and I can dig into more about what it is that you’re seeking to apply, meaning with this training what will you want to do following the training? What will it provide you? And how can I support you in achieving that?

The program is not this amazing educational experience, it’s about you applying the results from that amazing educational experience, and that’s what I’m really keen to support you to do.

So let’s get into this. First step is that the program is all online. We serve people all over the globe. We’ve trained people in Europe, in the UK, Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, down into Mexico, South America, North America, I haven’t even included North America. We have trained people all over the place. So if you are in an area of the world, or even a very rural area of the United States or Canada, we can support you no matter where you are because we run the program entirely online.

Now, some aspects of the training require you to be synchronous, so real-time, which we have served people in Asia and Australia where the time is a little bit flipped. But it works really, really well for folks who are resonating with what I do and what I offer and they eat it up, they make it work. And some training that I offer you can do asynchronously and you can take it by recording. So there’s a combination of what’s required and we can help you set that up given what your schedule is and what works for you.

The four steps to the program are as follows. There is foundational training which includes my one, two and six hour programs. So the one hour programs are the Power of the Pits and Power of the Lower Glutes program. And my two hour and six hour programs are the Power of Pure Movement series. These are foundational training which you can take by recording. So you could quite literally get off this call, head over to my site and enroll in all those programs and be done by the end of the month with this foundational training. Easy peasy. All of it can be done asynchronously.

The second level of the program is the therapeutic yoga intensive. And this is a six day training that happens real-time synchronously from October the 28th to November 2nd. This is where you’ll learn the foundational methods that I utilize from both biomechanics and yoga, anatomy, meditation, mindfulness, pain science, all the things, how it is that I help my clientele get out of pain.

You’ll be learning those fundamental and foundational components. It is required for you to attend in real time no matter where you are in the world over those six days. It’s also very much an embodied training. So yes, I will be providing slides and lectures and all the things, and you will be specifically feeling the experience of working with the material and working with other people in the training.

Because you have an actual experience of it, that it’s not just in your head from an intellectual place, but from a learned, visceral in your bones and blood and breath type of experience, most people who enroll have a very positive experience of what goes on in their body. Many people who enroll already have pain and they are delighted with how their pain goes away over the course of the program.

That’s the therapeutic yoga intensive. Then you have support with us between the intensive and the next level, which is the integration program. And that begins in January of 2024. It’s a 14 month program. It requires five different intensive trainings plus weekly calls with me as well as with our Ayurvedic trainer and twice monthly calls of what we call practice labs. So you learn from me, you learn from our Ayurveda trainer and then you’re incorporating these practice labs to really embody the concepts and understand how all of this applies.

The integration phase has a strong synchronous component to it and there is an opportunity to do some asynchronous training. We require you to be synchronous with us 90% of the time. The reason for this is that synchronous training really does make a difference when you’re getting into some of the nuances of the way that we teach and the way that we integrate this information. So being able to attend real-time with us online is really quite paramount.

Following the integration training, which is 14 months, we now get into business training. Now, for years I’ve been offering yogi business training, and two years ago I decided to delegate that component out to a woman who was helping me with my own business. And the reason for that is because I wanted to spend more time on the technical training and really supporting my trainees to up-level their ability to meet people where they’re at and really hone in their ability to see and support them in the biomechanical applications of the tools and techniques that we offer.

So we have a true blue business coach who has been in the field for many, many, many decades, has run her own business and is now coaching others to build theirs. The reason I include the business training in this is very simple, I fundamentally believe to have a return on investment. And I also want to make sure the people who are enrolling in this program want to apply what it is that they’re learning into whatever it is that they’re already doing. Or maybe they want to create a new program, but the thing is they want to do something with what they learn.

So use that business training following that integration phase to help you fly. To take off. To really put rubber to the road and make a difference in your community, however big or narrow that community is. Maybe you are working in your small town, maybe you’re working globally, but we want to support you in achieving those goals.

I also want to add that it’s not uncommon for our trainees to pay either all or a significant portion of their training fee off before 10 months through the program. I get emails every single week with a story of someone who has doubled their revenue or is working less and making the same because of what they’re learning from us.

Now, I want to be clear, I am training you to be an excellent professional at helping people reduce and eradicate pain. Being able to run a business is vital because if you don’t understand business aspects, you will burn yourself out faster than I don’t even know how fast. The key is it’s so easy to get overly empathetic with your clientele and way overwork yourself and not set boundaries and not really serve the needs of the customer, the needs of you client, the needs of your students.

So it’s vital to understand how to make a business work, that is why I run it. And out of it you can really hone your own self-care. Business component, technical component, time to fly. Those are the four key steps to receiving your certification.

So with all that, who is this for? Building on what I just mentioned, it’s really for people who want to learn some very important conceptual information that they can apply to themselves and with their clients and who want to grow their business to really serve their clients further, to build their community, to make a huge difference in their world. Many of the people who I train are already health professionals, they are massage therapists, occupational therapists, I’ve also trained a handful of physical therapists.

When you have a professional designation and you have a client base and now you’re integrating the yoga therapy aspects plus the way that I apply kinesiology and biomechanics, you become truly unstoppable. I know that people say that all the time, but really when you blend in what you already know as a health professional with what I’m teaching you, I see it time and time and time again, the integration and the results that come is truly remarkable.

And if you are a health professional, whether it is a massage therapist, physical therapist or an occupational therapist and you would like to speak to graduates of our program, I am happy to put you in touch with those professionals.

So what do you receive from the certification program? Well, you don’t receive just one certification, you receive three and even possibly four. My driving force is to support people in reducing and eradicating physical pain. I’m not all that interested in helping people to manage pain. There’s lots of people out there who are already doing that. My aim is to help initiate and facilitate and support a healing and transformative process. So, my From Pain to Possibility certification enables you to become skilled at doing that, at truly enabling people to reduce and eradicate physical pain.

The second certification is R&R Sleep Meditation, and this is our version of yoga nidra training that is deeply, deeply, deeply yummy and juicy. I know very technical terms. But it’s very important in the healing process because healing is not just about movement. Healing is not just about reducing compensatory strategies.

There is an awareness and there’s a tuning in, there is a deep, deep listening that is required, which I teach inside the biomechanical component. But the R&R Sleep Meditation just ramps it up and helps you come inside of yourself so much more smoothly and effectively. And being able to teach that to your students really, really, really speeds up the process, but in a very smooth and coordinated way.

And then finally, this year I am now offering an integrated Knee and Hip Post Surgery certification. We are going to be the leader in online training for supporting health professionals to integrate aspects of yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and all of what I have just shared with you into knee and hip recovery, post-surgery. Any kind of surgery, whether it’s a total or a partial knee or hip or any of the other number of things that can happen.

Why am I doing this? Because what is happening, definitely in North America and I’m hearing about it in other areas of the world, is there is less and less formal rehabilitation that is occurring for people who are post-surgery of these two joints. Where are these people going to land up? They’re going to land up in yoga studios. They’re going to land up in physical therapy clinics for non-approved, or not included I should say, treatment processes. They’re going to land up in Pilates studios and fitness studios and there’s a lot of people other than the physical therapists who are not well trained in this regard.

We have developed a program that incorporates both the physical therapy side, kinesiology side, yoga therapy side, mindfulness meditation side, providing a very whole body, whole mind integrative approach to the process of recovery and recuperation post knee and hip surgery that is very much aligned with any medical team. Integrative, and that’s the key word. That’s the third certification.

The fourth certification, if you should so choose, is the IAYT/C-IAYT designation. My program is accredited through the IAYT. Beginning for people who enroll in programs in July of 2023, graduates will be required to write an exam to obtain their C-IAYT. So while you will have received your foundational training from me, there will be an extra step that you will do that we can support you with in terms of writing that exam to get that final bit towards your C-IAYT status, should you want to obtain it. You don’t have to, but if you do want to obtain it, you can.

All right, so here we are. I have talked about the four steps to the certification program, who it’s for, what you will receive. Now how many people am I enrolling? I am enrolling 16 people into this program. Some of those people will be relatively new to me and enroll this month and they will take their intensive in October, they’ll take their foundational training this month and next month. Some of them have already taken foundational training back in June, or in March or in January, even in the fall of last year. Some people have taken the intensive years prior.

All of you, wherever you are on the spectrum of learning from me, are invited and are included. And when we have our conversation, we can talk about the programs you have previously taken from me, how they are incorporated into your certification process and what is left for you to incorporate in order to complete your process.

So if you would like to take the next step and secure a 30 minute slot to get your questions answered and to have a deeper conversation about how you might apply your yoga therapy training to your profession, to the outcome that you want, then send us an email to [email protected], and just in the subject heading put certification and we’ll get back to you right away.

I am so, so, so delighted to be able to have this conversation with you to share with you what I think is an amazing form of recovery, of rehabilitation, of healing, for you to experience what is possible as a professional in supporting your own clientele in moving from pain to possibility. Looking forward to chatting with you.

Does POWER come to mind when you think of the armpits?

Discover how working on the pits can impact (and improve) carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist and elbow issues . . . even knee issues!