Age Well

Mechanics of Breathing

Improve sleep apnea, teeth gringing, jaw tension, TMJ and more by
learning the biomechanics and physiology of the breath


Course hours

6 Hours



APD Credit


When you think of sleep apnea. . . what comes to mind?

  • CPAP machines.

  • Stopped breathing during sleep.

  • Abrupt awakenings accompanied by gasping.

  • Awakening with a dry mouth or sore throat.

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness.

  • Snoring.

  • Morning headaches

  • Difficulty concentrating during the day.

How about grinding teeth while you sleep?

Oftentimes it is the intense gnashing sound of the upper and lower teeth, or intense jaw gripping.

Most people (including your clients) don't understand how their body impacts their breathing

There is often an assumption that a client doesn’t want to do the work needed to make the change.

As a result, most people get a diagnosis and the conversation stops.

A CPAP machine or a mouthpiece is provided.

And while both are effective and supportive (there is truly nothing wrong with either), so much change can occur if we can also address the body and how the body breathes.

It is possible to move beyond the belief that “this is just my body.”

Your body can change.

Your breathing can change.

You can rest deeply and fully again.  

Your breathing is impacted by your body’s mobility and stability.

When you inhale air into your body, your rib cage is supposed to expand, and your diaphragm and pelvic floor are meant to move downward.

On exhale the opposite is meant to happen.

However, if the muscles or connective tissue around your ribs, neck, abdomen or pelvis are limited, so will the mechanics of your breathing.

You won’t breathe as well as you could.

Not only can this impact the position of your airway, and in turn impact night time teeth grinding and sleep apnea, it can also can limit your ability to digest food, and feel calm or resilient.

The practice is simple and straightforward

There are 3 key things to learn:

How I Help

I am Susi Hately. I have 25+ years helping health professionals and entrepreneurs reduce and eradicate physical pain. My very effective approach combines my BSc. Kinesiology with therapeutic applications of biomechanics and yoga, breath and yoga nidra. I have both skills and tools to support people who want change through a kind, compassionate, gentle yet direct approach.

Two of my programs have been studied at the University level, and my ability to bridge the gaps between Western Medicine and Eastern Practices has enabled me to be a trusted resource for professionals and clients seeking an integrative approach to healing and recovery.

I run an IAYT 800 hour accredited yoga therapy certification for health professionals who want an evidence based but also integrative approach to healing – and my grads are awesome with the results their clients experience.

  • I see what works and doesn’t

  • I continually evolve to help bring about better and better results

  • I teach my graduates how to grow yoga businesses they love

I want to help you grow your skill and ability to help others harness the simple power of their breath.

Meet my Co-Instructors

Dr. Larry Stanleigh

Dr. Larry Stanleigh is my dentist. Not only is he brilliant at helping people with jaw, head, neck tension, he is a very funny man who is also highly skilled at teaching.

His primary focus in dentistry today is the examination, diagnosis and treatment of orofacial pain and TMJ dysfunction primarily from trauma, but general practice dentistry is still the foundation upon which he is am able to do everything else.

Dr. Mona Warner

Dr. Mona Warner uses Āyurveda and Yoga as a means of supporting others in their healing journey. This atypical combination of methods are perfect because she is not your typical human. Dr. Mona is in the business of helping people grow in the direction of their health and purpose and the approach she uses is personalized to the individual she is working with, geared towards self-empowerment. Dr. Mona's mission is to make the world a better place by helping people get healthier and happier - using timeless methods that are perfect for modern life.

Dr. Linda Bluestein

Dr. Linda Bluestein has been practicing medicine for over 20 years. As a physician anesthesiologist, she has a deep understanding of the airway and the implications of sleep apnea on cardiopulmonary function.

Dr. Linda has dedicated her life to treating those afflicted with hypermobility disorders, founded and host the podcast “Bendy Bodies with Hypermobility MD, and is the former co-host of the podcast “Hypermobility Happy Hour”.

Jeannie Di Bon

Jeannie Di Bon is a Movement Therapist based in London specializing in working with people with hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and chronic pain. She has hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and rehabbed her body and mind from chronic pain.

She is originally trained in Pilates, and over the past decade, her research and study have gone on to encompass biomechanics, anatomy, neuroscience and pain management.

What others say about Susi

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Mechanics of Breathing 4.0 is a 10-week online, on-demand with Susi Hately

Enjoy at your own pace – anytime, anywhere you have an internet connection.

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